Donate to the Cathedral
There are many ways you can support the ministries of the Cathedral. Donating financially is just one way to do so, and is the way that most visibly enables those who work for the Church to continue to serve the Kingdom. The money you send helps strengthen the “Jesus Movement,” as our new Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls it; a movement of faith, of “evangelism, of making disciples and our witness through public service and public advocacy.” We are truly grateful for everything you are willing to spare, whether it be great treasures or a simple two mites.
If you are or are becoming a member of Christ Church Cathedral, part of being a part of the community is pledging a financial gift for its support. You can either contact Cathedral Administrator Annette Carr to get a pledge form or fill one out online.
Tribute Fund
Make a gift in honor of someone’s life, a marriage, a birth, or another life event. To make a gift online, click here. To make a tribute gift by mail, send a check made out to Christ Church Cathedral to the Cathedral at 1210 Locust Street, St. Louis, MO 63103-2322, with “Tribute Fund” in the memo line. Also include a cover letter indicating in whose honor the gift is being given and any other acknowledgment that should be written.