In a time of political polarization and divisive issues, BE part
of this movement to make our communities and the world
more like the Kingdom of God!
Question: What does God require of us? The answer was simple:
Do justice, love kindness and walk humbly with God. (Micah 6:8)
We believe we can love our neighbors and recover and reclaim
these three essential practices:
Join the Movement
This campaign calls you to take action!
*Stand up, speak out and act in places of inequity, ensur-
ing the vulnerable are treated fairly.
*Practice intentional acts of kindness and compassion
*Cultivate the habit of humility through respect, listen-
ing, and empathy.
We invite you to explore this campaign and pledge to be a part
of change through the November 2022 midterm elections… and
Watch Bishop Johnson’s video, learn more, and get project resources.