Dance the Vote: The Cathedral and over 20 other organiza-
tions are joining with the Missouri History Museum and
co-sponsoring ‘Dance the Vote: Midterms Mater’ from noon
to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 24, at the Missouri History Museum.
Founded in 2016, Dance the Vote is a nonpartisan art organi-
zation that uses the arts to promote voter registration, educa-
tion and advocacy. Performances have been featured on mul-
tiple news outlets and seen by several million people.
This event is being held to make people aware about voting
rights for the marginalized, and will address voting rights,
voter ID changes, and voter registration. More information
can be found on the Dance the Vote website, Facebook and
the Eventbrite website.
Plan to be there by 1 p.m. and participate in the taking of
Missouri’s largest photo to promote the midterms. Cathe-
dral congregants are encouraged to wear a Cathedral T-shirt
or any other Cathedral identifying clothing.