The Cathedral will celebrate Black History Month throughout the month of February with these services and activities:
Sunday, Feb. 2
- BHM Youth Luncheon and Activity – decorating BHM tee shirts/sweatshirts after 10:30 worship in Schuyler Hall
Sunday, Feb. 9
- 9:10 a.m. — Adult Formation — Heroes and Sheroes in the Tech Room and via Zoom.
Sunday, Feb. 16
- 9:10 a.m. in the Nave – dramatization by Elizabeth Keckley.
Sunday, Feb. 23
- 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services – guest speaker Amy Hunter, PhD, vice president of Diversity, Equity and Inlusion at Caleres. Learn more about Amy here.
- Noon in Schuyler — Black History Month Potluck — the Cathedral provides fried chicken, corn bread and macaroni and cheese, coffee and lemondade; congregants to bring the rest. Sign-up sheet will be ouut soon.