Christ Church Cathedral, in partnership with St. Paul’s Carondelet and Trinity Central West End, is planning a series of classes for parishioners interested in confirmation, reception or reaffirmation. The classes will be open to all adults in our parishes who wish to learn more about the fundamental doctrines and practices of the Christian faith and Anglican tradition and how they relate to our personal lives and the lives of the communities where we live. Some participants may be seeking baptism, reception or confirmation in the Episcopal Church; others may simply want a refresher and an opportunity to reaffirm their baptismal vows.
There is no obligation but ask only that you commit to regular attendance at the six sessions, likely to be weekly on Saturday mornings or early afternoons during Lent, beginning in early March. If you are interested, please let The Rev. Kathie Adams-Shepherd, Dean know by Wednesday, Feb. 12, and if there are Saturdays during that time that will not work for you.